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Tarot Reading - A Spiritual Dimension to Gestalt Psychology
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Tarot reading—a spiritual dimension to Gestalt psychology

Tarot readings are a powerful psychic tool to unravel the subconscious and conscious levels of human mind, make predictions, and offer counselling.

There are thousands of different tarot decks with a huge variety of pictures and symbols on their cards floating around the markets across the world.

Some people raise objections about the predictive value of such a huge variety of tarot decks. They cannot understand how these pictures drawn by artists coming from diverse backgrounds and cultures can help the tarot readers to provide true and reliable readings.

The answer to this objection is that tarot readings are a popular mode of divination and counselling in almost every country of the world.  It would be unfair to expect the people belonging to one social and cultural milieu to identify or react to the pictures in the decks of   any other society.

There are people who react differently to the same set of tarot cards even though they belong to the same country or social environment. Some people, for example, cannot relate to the priests and priestesses, princes and princesses. They cannot understand the fables and folklores associated with the pictures.

How does the huge diversity in tarot decks help in giving reliable readings?

A very important principle underlying the colourful artistic drawings of pictures and symbols on the tarot cards, unknown even to some of their creators, is that they work on the basis of Gestalt psychology.

The German word ‘Gestalt’ means a unified whole. Gestalt psychology is based upon the theory of mental and visual perception. It explains how people “tend to organize visual elements into groups or unified wholes.”

Some of the principles that decide the formation of visual and mental perceptions, according to Gestalt psychology, are the elements of similarity, continuity and proximity in the pictures.

These perceptions, again, are generated by the sub-conscious and conscious mental states of the people. And since the mental states of all individuals are different, they react, relate and interpret the pictures differently.

A logical extension of this argument is that they also release different energy vibrations at the sight of the pictures and symbols.

Major difference between a psychic and a (Gestalt) psychologist

While a psychologist takes into account the visual and mental perceptions of the subjects while interpreting their mental states, a psychic or a tarot reader also takes into account the energy vibrations released by them at the moment the reading takes place.

The energy vibrations are, in essence, the spiritual energies released by the soul or the spirit of the client subjects. The vibrations assume different forms. They may, for example, manifest themselves as colours and forms of auras around the head and the body of the subjects. They communicate themselves as invisible, intangible messages to the cognitive sensibilities of the tarot reader.

The psychic thus takes the subject of the analysis and interpretation of human mind to the next level, i.e., the spiritual level. He grasps the energy vibrations released by the subject and integrates them into his readings.



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