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Psychic Reading

The word psychic has been derived from the Greek word psyche, which means soul, spirit or mind. So the psychic is an expert who deals with issues of the psyche and how they affect the life of the human beings by causing happiness or misery.

Although the word psyche is old, its derivative, ie, the psychic is relatively modern. There used to be psychics in ancient times as well, but they were usually called oracles, soothsayers, visionaries, sages, seers, diviners, prophets and so on.

These divine people not only made predictions about the future of the people in context of their problems, but also helped them overcome them. They were also health advisors, astronomers, forecasters and interpreters of the mysterious phenomena in nature. They wore colorful and mysterious clothes, stones, rosaries, bracelets and similar other accessories that inspired awe among their followers.

The modern day psychics perform almost the same functions but they look like ordinary people.

What do the psychics do?

1. Analysis of nature and personality of the clients

The first and the most important task that the psychics perform is to analyze the nature and personality of the clients. ‘First Know Thyself’ is probably one of the oldest and wisest maxims in the world. It was inscribed on the forecourt of the Temple of Delphi.

Most problems that cause us misery grow out of our ignorance of what we actually are and conversely the source of our happiness also lies in knowledge of our self.

The psychic facilitates self discovery. It is a common knowledge that our actions emanate from our thought patterns or nature. The actions, in turn, generate consequences that shape our future. Since the psychics are expected to predict the future, they, therefore, put huge premium on understanding the nature of the clients.

2. Prediction about the future

One of the greatest reasons that the people seek psychic readings is the anxiety to know the future in context of their problems. The first common question about the future generally is whether or not I will succeed and the second question, which is the natural corollary of the first, is: how or when will I succeed.


There is no end to our problems and consequently no end to our anxiety to know their future. Check any psychic website and you will know how psychics are flooded with questions about future.

3.  Achievement of goals through problem resolution or guidance

 Prediction of future by itself does not resolve the problems. The truth is that predictions sometimes further raise the anxiety levels especially if the predictions go against the expectations of the subjects. Even the positive predictions may also raise questions about their realization.

For example, if a psychic reading predicts that you will not be able to achieve your goal, your immediate reaction is: How will I achieve it then?

And if the reading says, you will, for example, be able to marry the person you love, you again tend to ask the same question. OK, that’s good, but what should I do to make the person to marry me?

 It is obvious that more than analyzing the nature or making predictions, the most important function of psychic readings is to help people realize their dreams and make their life better.

How to get good psychic readings.



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